Friday, February 25, 2011


This hasn't exactly been my most favorite week.
Not by a long shot.
And today as I was sitting in a parking lot
with a cloud of smoke surrounding my suburban-
no it wasn't The Rapture....
something had gone wrong under my hood.
(It was in the budget. or not.)
I got thinking....
how do people stay sane through weeks like this?
Well the truth is-I dunno!
I have no grand words of wisdom today.
none. zero. zilch. nada.
But what I DO know is that this helps:

If it's sanity you are after, there is no recipe like laughter.
~Henry Elliot
For those of you who have had a difficult week,
I get it!
So lets forget about the past 5 days
and go bust a gut!
It's legal.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I am confident of this.

My precious Ramiro:
He who began a good work in you,

will be faithful to complete it!
p.s.- and I apologize that your twin is in fact, your mother.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Almost speechless.

As his Mother, there are things I have to do.
But when your the first one
he runs to
seconds after winning the championship bball game
AND he was named the MVP... his Mother, this is what I get to do!

Monday, February 14, 2011


this child, my second born,
does not like hair cuts.
or his nails cut (and so he chews them raw).
or, as of late, waffled textured shirts.
can you see the excitement on his face?

and mine?

if he told me once, he told me a trillion times...
"I do not like my hairs to be cut".
yes, miro I hear you.....
now sit still, hold your head right, don't talk cause I'm concentrating,
no I can't promise you I'll never do this again,
madelyn give me some space so you don't get hurt,
and andre- he doesn't want an audience while getting his hairs cut....

And two hours after we had finished the torture session,
he was still at it....
"I still do not like my hairs cut!"

Me: "Maddie, where do you keep finding these passy's?"
Maddie: " 'amiro saves them for me!"
good. times.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Half marathon and 75 comments.

Yesterday I did another half marathon- 13.1 miles
(not official, just up here in the mountains on my own).
I had done one 3 weeks ago
and yesterdays was so much better and I'm really not sore!
This specific route has some serious, serious inclines that have
taken me a year to conquer....and still be able to finish the run home!

Hello 1 !!
Last time it took me 2:01 with an average pace of 9:14.
So, I'm feeling great about that 1 out front!!
(fyi-I have run for years at a solid 10 min/mile pace and just got tired of it...enter speed work!)
AND: I got looking under one of those tabs here on my blog
and holy cow 75 comments in hiding batman!!
I had no idea that I had comments that I had to moderate?
Maybe I've changed that now!
Gosh so sorry to those of you I've never responded to!
I will soon as I finish my psych test!!
****duh, and now I've somehow deleted ALL those comments....
on accident!
seriously? should it be this hard??? geesh****

Monday, February 7, 2011

It's all about compromise.

This hasn't happened in 12+ years:
in case your wondering, my shins have issued a request
and well it sorta felt like a demand
and it goes a little something like this....
NO MORE relationships, please!!

They're bossy little boogers
(the legs- not relationships! well maybe them too),
but when they yell at you and strike you
with a pain like no other,
you listen!

So we compromised,
my shins and I.
ok, OK, OKAY no more relationships for now
but ya'll hush and LET ME RUN

It was a win-win for each of us.

You like the day old piggie tails, eh? no?

Oh wait, forgot the headband, better now?
It's hard core, I know!

And so the compromise begins...
10 mile fun runs, no relationships, and no shin pain!


And when I got back the kids asked how it went:

It was smooth sailin'!!

**In other news: my sister and bro-in-law have
officially moved to New Zealand!
They are currently in the air over an ocean,
and will be for another day!
And I'm not ready to talk about it yet.**