Monday, February 7, 2011

It's all about compromise.

This hasn't happened in 12+ years:
in case your wondering, my shins have issued a request
and well it sorta felt like a demand
and it goes a little something like this....
NO MORE relationships, please!!

They're bossy little boogers
(the legs- not relationships! well maybe them too),
but when they yell at you and strike you
with a pain like no other,
you listen!

So we compromised,
my shins and I.
ok, OK, OKAY no more relationships for now
but ya'll hush and LET ME RUN

It was a win-win for each of us.

You like the day old piggie tails, eh? no?

Oh wait, forgot the headband, better now?
It's hard core, I know!

And so the compromise begins...
10 mile fun runs, no relationships, and no shin pain!


And when I got back the kids asked how it went:

It was smooth sailin'!!

**In other news: my sister and bro-in-law have
officially moved to New Zealand!
They are currently in the air over an ocean,
and will be for another day!
And I'm not ready to talk about it yet.**

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