Friday, February 25, 2011


This hasn't exactly been my most favorite week.
Not by a long shot.
And today as I was sitting in a parking lot
with a cloud of smoke surrounding my suburban-
no it wasn't The Rapture....
something had gone wrong under my hood.
(It was in the budget. or not.)
I got thinking....
how do people stay sane through weeks like this?
Well the truth is-I dunno!
I have no grand words of wisdom today.
none. zero. zilch. nada.
But what I DO know is that this helps:

If it's sanity you are after, there is no recipe like laughter.
~Henry Elliot
For those of you who have had a difficult week,
I get it!
So lets forget about the past 5 days
and go bust a gut!
It's legal.

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