Monday, February 14, 2011


this child, my second born,
does not like hair cuts.
or his nails cut (and so he chews them raw).
or, as of late, waffled textured shirts.
can you see the excitement on his face?

and mine?

if he told me once, he told me a trillion times...
"I do not like my hairs to be cut".
yes, miro I hear you.....
now sit still, hold your head right, don't talk cause I'm concentrating,
no I can't promise you I'll never do this again,
madelyn give me some space so you don't get hurt,
and andre- he doesn't want an audience while getting his hairs cut....

And two hours after we had finished the torture session,
he was still at it....
"I still do not like my hairs cut!"

Me: "Maddie, where do you keep finding these passy's?"
Maddie: " 'amiro saves them for me!"
good. times.

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