Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Little Drummer Boy

Last night was Dakota's first band concert...5th grade. He has been anxiously awaiting the opportunity to play the drums since, well...since he was able to toddle around! He has idolized every drummer in our churches and wants to be at every practice so he might get a turn to play!! So, here it was...his big debut as a "drummer"!!

As Christmas time is for many of us...I was racing around, had too many parties to get presents for, snacks, drinks, wrapping, etc. The moment Dakota got in the car he says..."mom, you won't believe this but I have a lot of math homework and I have a science test tomorrow!!". What?? 3 days before Christmas break?? "I thought ya'll would be watching Polar Express by now" every other child of mine is!! Well, apparently not in the 5th grade!

I was frantic trying to get 4 kids fed, dressed, homework done, errands run and everyone back to school by myself! The kids were fighting, I was hot, and Dakota was nervous!

The long story short is this...I totally expected Ramiro to give me trouble...the noise, the cafeteria acoustics with chairs squeaking, people talking, etc. What I didn't plan on was my happy baby, Madelyn, to decide 5 minutes into the concert that she was going to scream herself crazy for an hour (btw...Dakota said the concert was no more than 30 minutes long...ahem)! I found myself in a horrible predicament...Madelyn is out of control, people are looking at me b/c she is louder than the band, Dakota is nervous and wants me there and I'm alone with still 2 other wild boys to contend with! So, I decided to step outside with Madelyn...she continued screaming and never recovered.

The bottom line is...I missed all but the first 5 minutes of the concert! Madelyn and I stood outside the cafeteria doors and actually, sobbed! She appears to be coming down with the stomach bug we've been fighting around this house, and me....well, I cried out of desperation! I didn't want to miss Dakota's big night, I had been looking forward to this for years...excited to give him his first standing ovation! And the little boys were needing some strong guidance while in the audience alone!! I felt embarrassed, panicked, and for a loss of what to do with 2 hands and 4 kids!! Thankfully a total stranger came out to me and asked what she could do...she came to my rescue and got my boys to sit with her! Brought my stroller to me and pulled a pound of Kleenex out of her purse for my mascara that was all over my face! I needed divine angel had appeared in the form of a lady named Kim!!

I don't really remember getting home last night...but I do remember a sweet 10 year old boy who though was nervous was very excited to have survived his first concert, and a mother who was too!

Dakota, you were awesome! I could still hear you over the screaming and through the door! I could see the directors were right on kiddo! I'm proud of have many more big nights like this ahead of you! I watched you manage your nerves and the pressure of performing with grace! You were calm and didn't let the music mixup before the concert affect your ability to concentrate. I too was once in your shoes...I understand the pressure and what it takes to hold yourself together in moments like that...You were perfect!! You are full of talent and I'm honored to be your mother and walk this road with you!! Thank you for giving me a thumbs up through the window...I knew you understood and please know that I'm soo proud of little drummer boy!! I'm still looking forward to that standing ovation!!

Here's the first few minutes of the first will need to pause the blog music...actually, that's optional...remember, this is their first time playing these instruments!

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