Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Your turn Mom

Ok Ok...I've not posted since the game. No its not that I have a bad attitude, I've just been busy with other things. About the game... I will say is this: Alabama stopped the Gators game. They got Tebow shook up a bit and caused some confusion for the Gators. Alabama missed a big play or two and that made all the difference. Let it be said...I'm proud of my team! If you really watched what was happening (not just looking at the scoreboard...yes, I know at the end it's all that matters) during the game...Alabama really played the better ball game!! Roll Tide!!

Tonight...I thought that I would post about my discussion with the boys this evening over dinner (veggie lasagna, that no one but Ramiro would eat!). Recently, I've been trying to talk to them about the true meaning of Christmas. The idea that it is about giving to others and not just receiving. As a side note, they have been very busy pouring over the sale papers on a daily basis!! Marking their #1, #2 and #3 choices of their favorite things. They totally get that it is a celebration of the birth of Jesus, but they are very much into what "they" will be getting for Jesus' birthday!

I was explaining (not successfully) that we needed to remember that there are many little kids who will have no presents to wake up to on Christmas morning. I was trying to encourage them to think of some toys that they could live without and give as gifts to some other children who might not have a "happy holiday". Ramiro and Andre couldn't think of anything. Great. Dakota had an idea...maybe we should just take them to the mall to see Santa and then HE could then give them some gifts! Ugh! After I rolled my eyes and asked God for direction with the conversation that wasn't going well...also embarrassed that my kids seemed so heartless and unwilling to give up anything, I decided we needed to go around the table and list one thing that we would give up.

The results?
Ramiro...one of our toy dinosaurs and a matchbox car
Andre...maybe one of his stuffed animals, maybe not
Dakota...a book of his, one of his little hand held skateboard toy things (?), and a DVD

Ramiro looks to me and says "your turn Mom, what are you going to give up?"...of course he would ask. I was lost really. I hadn't thought of me. What would I have to give someone?? I somehow started to understand their hesitation at first. I felt as if I "needed" everything I have. Embarrassing. I finally came up with some pathetic answer like "Well, I have way too many cookbooks, some clothes that could be passed along and...well, maybe that's it". I felt ashamed that I was asking them to do what I hadn't already thought of doing myself.

But as I sit here tonight, wondering how to better communicate the true spirit of Chritmas...I am also reminded that I will be taking my kids to participate in our Walk Thru Bethlehem event at our church this weekend. We will be spending all Thursday evening, Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening at the church...in the town of Bethlehem so that hundreds of people from our community will be able to come and know the reason for this season! Christ. His birth. His death. His resurrection. His purpose...US!

I pray that my children will also learn from the event this weekend. That they may come to understand that Jesus is the most precious gift we could ever have or give! And I pray that they will begin to understand how this baby changed the world on Christmas night!!

So, do I feel better about the "dinner conversation"...not really. But some ideas are coming to mind, I think I have a few things more that I can live without...something better than a few cookbooks and pants that don't fit!! One thing specifically that comes to mind...maybe this will be just the thing my kids need to see me give up this Christmas! I'll keep you posted!

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