Monday, July 7, 2008

Out of the mouth of babes!

This evening I got a sitter to come over and watch the kids while I went running. Judging the weather around here is something the weather man can't even get right. The sky may be black, wind blowing like craziness, lightening and thunder sends the kids into are prepared for a monsoon...and of course, not a drop! Figures!

Today, I thought I saw a "window of opportunity" and called the sitter to see if she could come sooner than planned! She came, I got ready...and wouldn't you know, I wasn't out the door more than 5 minutes and it starts! 2 flashes of lightening and rain! I considered going home (Mom, the lightening was far, far away!!) but decided to hold out and see if the lightening would end...and thankfully, it did! The rain, on the other hand, didn't! Rain is not a problem for running however...mater of fact, its great! I love it! It's the closest thing to "playing in the rain" that I feel I can do without odd looks from the neighbors! It's interesting many people want to stop and ask you if you need a ride!! Shoot no...I'm out here on purpose!! They might wonder about my mental health...but let them wonder! I'm having fun!

So, on I went...loving every minute!

And then I got home...I walk in the door and Andre (3 yr old) says, "Mom you have wet your pants, and they will NOT let you at school if you keep doing that"! (side might guess that he's hearing that a lot lately...your right!) Being that I left home with dry, straight hair and am now returning with very wet and curly hair (and clothes, which he clearly noticed)...I wondered about how this made any sense!
"Andre, I didn't wet my pants, its raining outside".
He shrugs his shoulders and goes back to playing...or should I say, fighting with his brother!! Big surprise there!

Later this evening, Ramiro (4 yr old) comes running into the kitchen..."Mom, Andre's wet his pants". I go into his bedroom and he has wet through his pants and it is puddling at his feet! I ask him (with my "nice" voice of course) why he has wet his pants...and don't you know what he said, and with a straight face... "I didn't wet my pants Mom, its raining outside"!! I looked at his big green/brown eyes and those sweet little freckles and wanted to be sooo mad at him!
Ramiro immediately starts laughing. I give him the "this is not funny" look...and he says (trying to keep a straight face)..."looks like both of you will be staying home from school next year"!!

Oh, these minute you want to smack them...the next you can't help but to kiss all over them! Go figure!

1 comment:

Taryn said...

hahaha...that's great! Those are the moments that are so frustrating and then hilarious when you look back on them! I love those boys!