Wednesday, July 23, 2008

She's ONE!

Yes, my baby is now 1!!

Actually, she turned one a few days ago... I've just been too busy to get pictures on here!!
I can't believe it... I've pinched myself a million times! It's really true...she's now one!! Where does time go?? I think this is a sign that I am really getting old!! Only "older people" say that!!

Well, Andre helped me make cupcakes for her birthday! We are actually waiting another week to have family come to really celebrate...but we did do cupcakes for now.

He was very proud to be helping me do this. He kept saying "Mom, Maddie is going to love these"!! Too funny...really I think Andre was thinking HE was going to love these!! He's got a sweet tooth that I really have to watch! He finds candy even when I'm sure I've thrown it all away!!
My children are my life...they are what I "do" everyday. They keep me uptight but laughing! They keep me "on my toes" but give such sweet love! Though all of my children were "surprises"... each one holds a very special, tender place in the deepest part of who I am.
Madelyn was a HUGE surprise! It took me some time to wrap my mind around a 4th child...but I'm blessed beyond words! There is something about a mother/daughter relationship that I just can't find a word for. A word big enough, deep enough and different enough to explain this feeling. I had given up hope for a daughter. Maybe that is where some of the emotion comes from. I'm getting to do the things that I felt left out of before. Things like buying little bracelets and necklaces! Putting hair up in little bows! It thrills my soul! And "thankful" doesn't seem to capture my heart tonight!
I am blessed!


Taryn said...

I can't believe it! All the kids are growing way too fast! There is definately something different with a daughter. There is a whole differnt set of fears that come with a daughter. And soon you two will be butting heads but still loving each other with all your hearts. I adore my boys, but I love my baby girl in a completely different way. I know she was not what you had planned, but I am so glad that you finally got your little girl. And you couldn't have asked for a better one :)

My Three Girls (The A girls) said...

She is so cute. I agree that they grow too fast. My baby is going to be 7 months soon.

Catherine said...


I love what you said about the kids...they keep us stressed but laughing...that is soooo true.

You have such a beautiful family, Jill. I am lovin' those pictures of Andre helping with the cupcakes. Madelyn is turning into such an adorable young lady.

I'll see you soon!
Love ya!!

Mary said...

Cute kiddies! And happy birthday to your baby!

Anonymous said...

Jill,The bond a mother and daughter have is a special one.I too have felt the same why about my daughter Catherine.I cherish our friendship and love.It is a love that will have its ups and downs but she will always come to you when she needs you the most.Enjoy the special time you have with her because as you know they grow up so fast.Hugs Judy