Sunday, November 2, 2008

no title...just sweet Maddie pictures...again!!

I'm just loving this child...I wish I could find words for how much I am enjoying being a mother to a daughter. Please don't misunderstand...I love being a mother to my sons too...very much so! I find incredible joy in being chosen as their mother. And even though the little boys are very challenging at this particular time, I love it still! There is just something unusual...maybe different, with Madelyn. Not better...just different than I have experienced with the boys. I'm giddy about her bouncing curls as she prances around the house. I watch her sleep and fight the urge to climb into her crib...only for the purpose of getting to snuggle with her cheeks once more!

"Prince Charming" (aka Andre) thought we were looking so very nice in our outfits this he took our pictures!!

This was me, yesterday afternoon as I was heading out to begin the journey of 14 miles!! I'm getting somewhat tired of planning my route to bring me by the house for food/water, etc. So, I got this pack that has water bottles and a large pocket for food/phone and such. I think I ate my way through the first 10 miles (Andre watched as I packed my pack and wanted to know if he could come...only b/c he was eyeing my food!!). The last mile was interesting (downright painful...but my own fault...explain another time...lesson learned!) however, the first 13 were really pleasant and smooth! There were a few moments here and there when my knees were giving me their opinions of this training program...and another time when my hip flexors wanted to give a "shout out" to anyone who would listen! No one did. Though I'm tired and sore today...I still feel it was a success!! The sun burn?? Um well...not too smart on my part!! It's making me the most uncomfortable today!!
If you haven't checked this blog in awhile...I have pictures of Halloween posted on the previous posting!! (for my family that maybe is behind)

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