Friday, November 14, 2008

He. Is. Persistent.

Do you know 1 Corinthians 15:51?
Here it is:
"Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed".

What mystery is in that??
Let me help Paul out.
Lacking in sleep.
Change is guaranteed.
There. Mystery solved.

Somehow, I sense a slight "sense of humor" in Pauls comment there. And actually, I'm not finding it particularly funny. :)

Why is it that God wants to say something to me at 5am?? What about 5pm?? How about noon?? I've had coffee by that point, my humor is better, I'm not yawning. And certainly my ability to understand and process information is better than at 5 am!! What could be said/understood in 15 minutes is taking an hour!! For "Heaven sakes" (hee hee) I need some more rest!! Can these meetings be re adjourned?? At a more convenient time??

But, if I could say one thing right now about the "ways of the Lord" in my life, it would be "persistence"!

5am...every morning, persistence!!

Actually, I've seen this verse written on cards to new parents "We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed". Seems appropriate...maybe even a tad funny, in that case.

The past many days have been tiring...lots of emotions, sadness for friends, managing the fights between my boys...this referee is tired! Oh and I have 17 miles to run tomorrow!!

But God is persistent and He is bringing about change in me. I see it, I feel it and know its for the better. I just have an opinion on the time of day He is choosing. So much for my opinions, huh?? It wouldn't be the first, nor the last, I'm afraid!!

Today, this is my prayer "Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me." Psalm 52:12.

Maybe God already knew I would need this...therefore He has chosen the wee hours of the morning to "restore joy"!

Even through the yawning...I am thankful that He is faithful...and, alright...if I must say it...persistent too!
As I went to go steal a cooking today...I found this in the cookie container, left by my oldest son. I had to capture the moment...saving it forever...the heart of a child, thinking beyond himself! Speaking of restoring joy....

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