Monday, January 5, 2009

School. No? Not today??

How did I not get this right??
I thought for sure today was when school started!

Everyone was in bed early last night, and me too! Dakota got himself up at 6:15am this morning and showered, I got the boys up and dressed...almost dancing and singing as I did so! starts today!! I was all smiles!! And so were they!
We piled into the car at 8am so I could start the morning routine...Dakota to school at 8 for safety patrol, run Andre over to his 1/2 day day-care, take Ramiro back over to the school and lug him and Madelyn into Ramiro's class...however none of that ever happened.
Oh no, none of it but the pulling out at 8am all dressed, back packs ready and lunch money sorted! We get to the school (I still full of smiles) and I gasped as I looked around and saw nothing but teachers cars parked on the main road!

Where are the school buses? Parents?
Where are all the other "smiling" parents?
Where. are. the. other. parents.
I want to see kids...lots of kids, with cute backpacks and new Christmas clothes on!
(groaning starts and my smiles are turning to tears)
I need today off...some peace and quite! Some time to just get my house put back together...alone with Madelyn!!
School must start today, it just has to. I even checked it before the holidays and wrote it on my calender!
Somehow I missed the memo.
Ramiro started melt down mode immediately...I considered it too! He recovered some 2 hours later.
No school until tomorrow and so I had to take 3 kids begrudgingly to Walmart to get some groceries! Oh Lord help me...

So far, no one's injured...well barely...Madelyn did have a small mishap onto the floor from the buggy...small heart attack, she survived!
At the moment...the little boys are NOT SLEEPING! The "don't feel tired today"! I'm about to explain to them NICELY of course, about TIRED!! I need a moment...or 30...please boys...sleep!!

1 comment:

Taryn said...

Awww! poor Jill! If it makes you feel better, I thought it started today too! But I just happened to run into one of Parker's teachers and she informed me it was not until tomorrow.

Such disappointment!

Only 10.5 more hours till school! Let the countdown begin!