Wednesday, March 9, 2011

ice baths for ice packs.

I won't need these for awhile:

That would be my school books
and....hold your breath....

*pausing for a moment of silence*

The closing of my last school book is of great relief.
However, my lonely right shoe is causing great anxiety.
It's quite a predicament I tell ya...
I had great, wonderful, detailed plans of long runs during my spring break next week.
They've now changed to:
sitting on the couch
icing my elevated rt. foot
stretching sore hips/back from walking funny in a boot/cast
dreaming of a mile 15 run
cabin fever

But call me crazy
I'm still looking forward to this in my near future:
(ice baths, and the essential food groups- protein drinks, bananas and ShotBloks)

and till then, I've just replaced those other books for these:

It wasn't exactly what I had in mind for spring break,
but Brody is excited for the company on the couch.
And as you could imagine,
the 100 lb. Weimer and I both on the couch means:
I'm snuggling WITH him,
not the other way around!

*someone please send breath mints....for Brody!*

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