Thursday, March 31, 2011


A few things:

  • 1. yes, I recognized the many misspelled words on my last post! I forgot to do spell check. My spelling skills go along with my number skills. Dyslexia to blame, I'm sure of it! Misspelling has now been corrected! I really need the endorphins from running, the lack of them is making my brain more challenged than normal. no comments necessary. just let it be. thankyouverymuch.

  • 2. I'm allergic to free weights!! Specifically when doing upper body work! This became painfully apparent when I started P90X a year ago! Within 5-10 minutes of muscle fatigue (when your shaking like crazy)....and with P90X that's immediately!, I begin to get sick at my stomach! And if I don't lay down I start to feel dizzy! yep...I'm allergic! Diagnosis: Lactic acid allergy!! Darn, I guess I'll need to give up working out with weights - like I've had to give up peanuts!! Stinks getting old.

  • 3. Skyped with my sister/bro-in-law yesterday! fun stuff! They are doing well and holy cow small studio apartment batman! Actually in New Zealand its called a "flat". whichever. It's still small! And let me just say, Mark's the MAN!! The kitchen is um....well, for instance, the kitchen sink resembles a bathroom sink on a plane! I don't lie. Nevertheless, Mark is cranking out some awesomesauce meals and that's a miraculous event being that its with a toaster oven and 2 stove eye things on top! Ya, that's what I call magic!! Carrie's doing great as well, as great as getting a few hours of sleep a night and studying all day gets!! She's a tough chic for sure! It runs in the family. just saying.

  • 4. This weekend is gunna be incredible. I just know it. I have some secrets. And I'd love to share them already. But then I'd have to kill you. And that would ruin my career in the "mental health" field. I'm really trying to be the mental health care PROVIDER, not the mental health care PATIENT! So, I'll just keep my secrets to myself for now....but I'll be free to share soon!! All I'll say is that I have one child (well technically 2) who's gunna be stoked!!

  • 5. My foot/ankle is getting better by the day!! Which unfortunately I now have no excuse for the 6 piles of laundry that are in waiting! I have been on my Dad's elliptical now 3 times, and things are looking up! I will hold out till next week to start, ah hem....walking....but it's one step closer to running! So, I'm beginning to feel hopeful this will all be behind me soon!!

  • 6. My Christmas trees are still up. I've made peace with it.

  • 7. I think I've become a procrastinator. Who'd have thunk it? me? procrastinate till the last minute and then be stressed out of my mind with a deadline, and then promise myself that I'll not do this again...and yet I do?? I want something to blame, I can't find anything.

  • 8. Andre told a girl yesterday that if she didn't stop bossing him around, he would pull her pants down!! Wha?? *sigh* The school frowns on these kinds of things. Unfortunately, this does happen at my house every now and again....boys are boys, and they find great joy in walking by their brother that's on their nerves and dropping his drawers 4 inches!! I'm just thankful he didn't actually do it!! Thank You LORD!! I think Andre and I have come to an understanding now that only Mommies and Daddy's are allowed to pull pants down.

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