Tuesday, March 22, 2011

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to!

Did I mention I broke my foot?
I know, I already mentioned it.
I was just checking again.
Cause I'm frustrated!
Big time.
I'm OVER this no running stuff, already.
It is getting better, but geesh I feel like it is taking forever!

I was able to walk around my house yesterday and today with no cast.
It's progress, I know.
However its aching tonight, and it hurts.
Nevertheless-I want to be running.
I want to be moving,
arms and legs and lungs all in rhythm.
Together as one.

My brain is getting foggy.
I can't think without the drugs apparently.
The endorphins are directly connected to my intelligence.
I'm sure of it,
cause I'm doing some STUPID stuff lately!

I feel bad to even be frustrated,
I mean for pete sake's....
enough said.
I'm pathetic I guess
cause I'm noticing that things are changing.
And don't get me started on the new number that appears on my bathroom scale.

The thought that when I do start to run,
we're talking like 1, then 2....maybe 3 miles-
ugh, depressing.
For someone who runs long distances,
6 miles is a warm up.
I can't really imagine a 1 mile run.
I've barely just got my watch started and my ipod situated at that point.

Oh well, enough of this.
I feel the pathetic-ness getting too deep!
I'm headed back into the kitchen to
overdose on calcium, vitamin D and osteo enzymes.
Sorry, kidneys.

I'll get over this funk and be back soon with
something more uplifting.
pinky promise!

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