Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Are you a runner?? Want to be a runner?? Need to be a runner??

Do you need someone to help keep you motivated?? Would you like to gain some speed??

Then you must join us for our first ever K.H. "LADIES ONLY" running club...CHICKS IN KICKS!!

You don't need to have any experience or races under your belt...just some "KICKS"!

Normally, there will be a short question/answer time at the beginning...then a short run! We will play that by ear...taking into consideration who is there and what levels everyone is at! Remember, no experience is necessary! We will work with everyone's current situation!

We will meet at the Wendy's side parking lot so we can then use the new trail there for the run!

For now we will try a once a month meeting/run...starting FRIDAY, JUNE 20th @ 7:30pm!!

If you are interested...we will send out an "E-vite" to everyone with more info!! Please email me at t_jill@bellsouth.net and we will get the info to you!! Please feel free to email for any other questions!!

I am looking forward to seeing everyone there...this will be fun, low key and great way to share our "running" lives with each other!!

Till then...keep running!!

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