Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Fathers Day...updated!!

"My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, 'You're tearing up the grass'...'we're not raising grass' Dad would reply, 'we're raising boys' "-Harmon Killebrew

What an important thing to keep in mind...keeping things in perspective is important!

Well, this is a picture of my father (on the left) and my husband (on the right)! This picture was from a few years ago and besides the kids...the (big) boys still look pretty much the same!! Good genes!! I want to say to them both...HAPPY FATHERS DAY!! I didn't truly understand the significance that men play in the role of raising children until I had my own are very important to boys and girls...but our pastor this morning reminded us that (most of the time) boys will become what their fathers were/are! Thank you Dad for being such a wonderful man in my've paved the way for me to understand and embrace my "Heavenly Father"! Thank you!!

...on a lighter note (while I look for a tissue...) Dakota is driving something in my yard...oh dear...I think he might need a license for this...or maybe a mothers gentle reminding of the dangers of the....oh...gotta go! back later.....with pictures of course!!
Dakota has "wheels"!! This might need considering for the next "Pimp My Ride"...Ha Ha!! (Never mind the seat that has stuffing coming out!!) Hey it works...and that is something to cheer about over here!! We have 2 1/2 acres...there's a lot of work ahead for this 10 year old. This was Dakota's first time on the lawn mower and what a cool thing he thought this was!!
Another thing I wanted to say about my father...but failed to yesterday (now writing this on Monday as part of the Fathers Day post)...and this is did I forget it??
I have been asked many times how I got started running...well the truth was Dad! My father has been a runner most of his life (atleast that I have been around for) and I have many childhood memories of my father running in races, going out for runs coming home drenched with sweat, and eating pasta to boost carbs (on Wednesdays only of course)! Matter of fact, I still think Wednesday's should be spaghetti night...only b/c this was a routine at my house growing up! Funny how things stick...even if I didn't run...I can't imagine why you would eat spaghetti on just doesn't seem right. Spaghetti is only for Wednesday's. Didn't every one else do it that way?? :)
I have a picture (maybe I could find it one day and scan it in here... don't look for it anytime soon however!) of myself running in a Thanksgiving Day run called the "Turkey Trot"!! Seems like Dad ran it every year! Apparently, I ran the 1 mile run one year also! Unfortunately, running never really became a big part of my life until college...but I remember Dad talking about how running would really help when he was under a lot of stress...I tried it and it changed my life! I've had to lay off the running here and there... (I tried to run while pregnant...not so much fun to stop every 5 minutes for a quick squat in the bushes, I like my toilet paper too!)...but as soon as those babies were out...I'd be planning when I would be able to run again!
My father has come with me to races (definitely more for my benefit than his), but never seemed to "need" the race for motivation! I, on the other hand...need the race! Not so for my Dad...he is the most self motivated/disciplined person you'd ever meet. But he ran enough races that he was able to teach me the things I needed to know!
So Dad...again...thanks for all you have taught me and modeled so perfectly!! Running is just one of many, many things that I get to thank you for!!

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