Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Lords blessings!

Ramiro and his teacher!

Yesterday Ramiro had his graduation ceremony for his pre-k class! I didn't realize until the last minute that Ramiro was to be a part of this being that he will be in the same class again next year! He will have one more year until he is able to be in Kindergarten...I'm actually relieved! He is in a special class for children who have some sort of disability that would require additional help before they would be ready to attend kindergarten, the goal is to mainstream them into a regular class. Ramiro has been in this class since he turned 3 and it has made a huge difference for him! I used to take him to school everyday kicking, screaming and in a full all out "melt down"! It took almost the full year to get him through the transition of leaving home to being at school! He was exposed to things that made him upset (cotton balls, finger paint, bathroom exhaust fans, other children touching him, floor mats that he was to sit on, etc). For the most part now, if you didn't know his background, you would never know he has the SI dysfunction. He still doesn't care much for some foods and textures of things...but he doesn't go into shut down mode like before! I will write more about Ramiro later, how he came into this world and the struggles he faced from day one of his life! He's truly a blessing! He's determined beyond belief and funny as all get out! He sees to it that he's never last and that he experiences everything that life has to offer (good and bad)! Ramiro has had many therapists over the years (OT, speech, PT, cognitive dev., etc) that have all made such a huge difference in his life!! I'm thankful for everyone of them! There were days that I wasn't sure what Ramiro was going to be like at 4...what his diagnosis would change for him...but the Lord has a plan for this child...and I'm constantly reminded what a great work HE is doing in my child! I'm thankful beyond words!! the following post about the "CHICKS IN KICKS"!! Come join us!!

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