Wednesday, June 11, 2008


No it's not what you think! I know it sounds like something my boys would do and then laugh hysterically over (and btw...why do they do that...what's so funny about that anyways??). It's not. And you won't need to give them that evil eye either! Here's the definition:

Fartlek: (sweedish) "speed play"; fart "speed"-lek "play"

So there you have it...its a running term. Did you really think I would be talking about "fluffing"?? Hee Hee!! Open a running book, training program, magazine for will find it there!! Fartlek. The training method that involves bursts of running that would resemble sprinting. Followed then by your normal pace set for that training run. A more disciplined form of Fartlek would be called "interval training"...this would most likely be done on a track and involve split times and a stop watch, yuck! Fartlek training can be much more relaxed and certainly wouldn't call for a stop watch...but the results are remarkable!!

Fartlek training can be fun and add some spice to things! You can sprint to the next telephone pole...or to the green mail the cute house around the corner...maybe to the cute guy around the corner!! :) However you do it is fine...humm..but the boy around the corner might provide the best immediate gratification!! Anyways...back to my point here...The goal is to run hard/fast enough to throw your body off a little. To force your muscles and lungs into overdrive. Start shorter and then work up to a longer stretch...the results are worth the hard work. You will feel muscles work you never knew you had. And you will eventually see those muscles you never knew you had! Your legs will change shape, your lungs will be stronger and you will increase your speed by strengthening your legs in this way. In case you were wondering about the kinesiology of this...and since I'm sure you it is! It's a little complicated and involves understanding fast vs. slow twitching muscle fibers, but the simple answer is that the muscle fibers tear deeper and more aggressively from sprinting and therefore rebuilding stronger!! I promise it works!

I personally love to do this b/c it helps you at the end of races. There's something funny that happens mentally when you "finish strong"...not fast, not looking pretty, but strong! It won't matter how well you ran most of the race, if you finish like you have just taken your last step here on earth and look like your prepared to meet your will feel badly about your entire experience!! But if you finish strong...head up, legs under control and body in good will feel the wonderful sense of accomplishment that follows a race! Truly this is the case for every run that you do...even if it's just around the neighborhood.

By using Fartlek training and building these sprinting muscles...they will enable you to finish strong even when you are exhausted otherwise! They will be there when you desperately need them...when all else has failed you, when your body has packed up and left you many miles can count on these sprinting muscles (if you've used them enough in training) to rise up and pull you through to the finish!!

So, are you wondering why I decided to blog about this?? Well truthfully, I am too!! But, as I was running the other day...doing Fartleks (you have to admit...the word is fun to say too), I thought about how important it was to invest now for the later! It reminded me of memorizing Bible verses as a kid in private school...I didn't know it then...but I was investing for the later! I was building up knowledge that I would need in the future...for when the going gets tough and I still need to press on. When I'm worn out and desperate for the finish line...It's the training that will make all the difference! Fartlek!

DON'T FORGET ABOUT THE "CHICKS IN KICKS"!! Scroll down to the post with that name and see what's going could practice some....FARTLEKS!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! Well I didn't know that there was an acutal name for it but I do that ALL the time!