Friday, June 27, 2008

The story

The time has come...the moment is here. For 11 years I have played this day out in my head, over and over again. I have prepared in every way I know how and as I put my head on my pillow last night, I thought I was ready. And then there's today...the emotions are fresh even on this very morning and the guilt that I thought I had worked through is showing its ugly face now. Why is my faith crumbling?

Last night I underlined these verses:

Proverbs 16:3-4 "Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed. The Lord works out everything for his own ends--"

Proverbs 19:21 "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."

I have seen myself on this stage, I knew I would come here to share my story. The lights are dimming and though the audience small, they are ready and waiting. As I walk out, the spot light uncomfortably hot on my face, I feel the emotions calm and the words come forth with ease. I begin to share a story that parallels that of the see, everyone thought the cross was the end...He's been crucified and is dead. The sadness, dispare, darkness... hope was gone. It appeared that there was no room for celebration. And as always true, God had a different plan! He turned that cross of sin and dispare into the light of the world. It was then that we were given hope...when the darkness became light and all was forgiven.

I have a "cross" in my life...a story how God changed my darkness into light!! A wonderful light! A perfect light! I am humbled and thankful to be chosen! I will share some of it today.

As I look out from the stage, into the audience, I've noticed someone in the back who'd been "standing" from the moment I stepped foot into the know who it is! He's my Lord, I knew He would be there, I knew He would be "on His feet"... He had a personal invitation from me! And as I say my last few words, giving thanks for what I've been given in this life (in spite of myself)...that man... yes, Jesus...He begins to raise His scarred hands and clap! All else was silent! It was clear, this was not because of me, it was nothing I said that deserved His praise...the praise was being given for what God has done in my life! He was praising His Father! This is His story! It deserves all the praise. May I not forget that. So I too, will praise my Heavenly Father today!!

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