Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Helping the mother out!!

My sister is funny...her comments about the blog is this "less talking, more pictures"! She called the other day to say "more pictures"...she didn't have to say "less talking" b/c I have been so busy and really unable to blog much. Still don't really have time...but thought I would add some cute shots recently of the kids....ahem...and ME!! (please excuse my morning hair...ugh)

Man, I look at this picture and think I'm looking at the male version of me!!

But then I look at that face (Ramiro's) and know that at 5...that was me too!!

This was a few weeks ago. Ramiro and Andre had decided that since the Christmas tree was up...it must be time to go to Alabama, like we do every year for Christmas. So they decided to help their mother out and pack their own bags.
Andre packed: 3 shirts, 2 pants,"underwears" and he wasn't sure about having socks.
Ramiro packed: 2 shirts, jeans, jacket, no underwear or socks or shoes...after all, he already had a pair on! Oh yes, if you look closely...yes, he is bringing his basketball trophy, its sticking out of the zipper!! Since that's important for the holidays and all!! (again...please excuse the hair...Ramiro's hair. He's still resisitant to hair cuts!!)
I was cracking up and took a picture of them...packed and ready to go, with all the essentials that a 4 and 5 year old need for 1 1/2 weeks in Alabama!! Hey, did anyone pack a toothbrush?? 'Course not!! Only the essentials Mom!!

1 comment:

sutherlyn's mom said...

Hey Jill, These are way too cute! You guys have a Merry Christmas and a safe trip to see the folks.