Thursday, March 19, 2009

Final words. Final acts.

I started reading this book by Max Lucado. Love it. Its called No Wonder they call Him the Savior.
It is a book that reflects on the events of the crucifixion and the truth of the Cross.
I've only read the first 3 chapters. They are short, but I can't seem to just read the words and turn the page. The descriptions and thoughts are captivating, and beg for attention.

I almost didn't make it past Ch.1. As the events leading up to the death of Jesus are discussed, the point he makes is this: "Final words. Final acts. Each one is a window through which the cross can be better understood." And isn't it true? Why are the final words and maybe the final experiences that a dying person has so important? It is true...they give insight into the life and heart of that person. We hold on to those memories too. We may not remember a lot of the things our loved one had said over the years, but we can recite those last moments with no mistake!! I can certainly say this is true in my life.

As the accounts are given of the last moments of Christ, it paints a picture that I struggle to read. And the part that I must today stop and think about awhile is that through all the beatings and verbal attacks that Christ endured, He did not react with anger...and yet had every reason to be. He didn't try to get revenge and He never lashed back ugly words in defense (though knowing that their accusations were nothing but lies). Instead He responded out of love, out of understanding, and as Max Lucado He realized that they too were victims.

I can't help but to see this echo back into my own life.
I am in a weird time in my life of final words and final acts. And there is a death of sorts that I am presently walking through.

Oh Lord, may I not be filled with anger, but may I be filled with a heart of understanding and love.

Again, my heart is I look at my next several months, the weeks ahead that will close a big chapter in my life...these words sting...My final words. My final acts. Each one is a window (an open opportunity) through which the Cross can be better understood. Or not. There is a choice to be made.

Lord, give me strength to demonstrate your spirit and not defend my flesh!
May I be that open window...and not a shut door!

1 comment:

sutherlyn's mom said...

Jill, this is very true. Our flesh instantly wants to "defend", especially when we feel that we've done nothing wrong (and in some cases, we haven't) yet, right or wrong, the defense mechanism is still there and still springs into action. I know mine does every single time. Thank you for sharing this....its encourages me to have more of a heart like Jesus, even in this, realizing that my flesh will battle with me everytime, to keep me from acting as HE would want me to.

I will pray for you as you go through this "set of final words and acts" in your life....may God give you the strength and the grace to walk through "your ending" just as Jesus walked through His....knowing that this is far from the end!

Good luck and God's blessing to you and your family.

So funny how this happens, but this post is just what I needed in my life today....thank you again for sharing. Take care....