Saturday, March 14, 2009


I think I will take a moment and "self diagnose".
I've been icky.
No motivation.
No energy.
Not eating much (mostly chocolate and junk food).
Drinking Coke's (something I never do!).
Can't make a decision.
etc....get the picture?

The spunk is gone and I feel deflated. The wind is gone from my my Granny says!
Today I decided that this is starting to drive my crazy. I must get this figured out and fixed...soon!

So my diagnosis?
No its not the P.M.S. that your thinking. Although, it might be having some influence on the chocolate cravings! Maybe.

I think I have the Post Marathon Slump, P.M.S.
Never heard of it?
Well that's because I made it up...actually only part of it (the P.M.S. name part! But isn't it cleaver?). It's a very known fact that many marathoners experience a slump...a period of very little motivation and energy after completing a marathon. The many months of rigorous training takes its tole and many runners find this time confusing. Do I rest, take some time off or start training for something else? Why am I un motivation, not able to concentrate, have the "lack of direction" feeling, and just down right feel weird in my own skin?

So...this is my self diagnosis.
Even though I'm still running, and still enjoy every minute of it...the runs are leaving me tired and groggy. What is one to do?

I haven't gotten to the "self treatment" plan yet, but I'm working on it. Maybe time will fix this funk I'm in...and for my family's sake, I hope so.

But I can tell you one thing...coke's, sausage balls and junk food aint fixing it!! But, they sure are good for the time being!!

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