Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pulled over and in park!!

The truth about my lack of consistent postings is this: the book, No Wonder they call Him the Savior! I mentioned it in my last post.
If you want to prepare for the Easter season...the death and Resurrection of Jesus...this book is excellent!!

I've never really taken it upon myself to "prepare" for this holiday, pretty much just left that up to whatever was going on at church to get me "into the mood" of this Christian season!
Sad, isn't it? I'm embarrassed to say that this is true, and has been most every year of my life thus far!
Shouldn't it be that I take this season personally? I mean after all, this is not about bunny rabbits or eggs...Oh no, its about the most significant part of history and of our Christian faith!
Our Savior, our King.
My purpose, my eternity.
That's about as personal as I can imagine.

How can I truly celebrate the Resurrection, if I haven't taken the time to read the accounts that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John give us about what that was like?
And what do I know about the Resurrection if I haven't studied the Cross and the bloody death of Christ?

Frankly, this all makes me very uncomfortable! It doesn't give me warm and cozy feelings. Instead, it makes me nervous, anxious and fidgety. It's violent and heart wrenching.
I stood in the bookstore with a decision to make. A toss up between a much lighter subject...or this one! But somehow, for some reason...I chose this book, and I'm now thankful I did!

I say all this to give you a heads up...I'm gunna be talking about this for awhile (in future posts)!
I just can't seem to think about much else...and I believe this will change much of how we see our walk with the Lord!

I will share a few lines from this book...lines that grab my attention and like the pastor said during revival..."cause me to pull over and park" awhile!

Oh, the cross is nothing new to you.
You have seen it.
You have worn it (and decorated our homes with it).
You have thought about it.
You have read about it.
Maybe you have even prayed to it.
But do you know it?

A few chapters later:

A choice is demanded.
We can do what we want with the cross.
We can examine its history.
We can study its theology.
We can reflect upon its prophecies.
Yet the one thing we can't do is walk away in neutral.
No fence sitting is permitted.
The cross, in its absurd splendor, doesn't allow that.

There was something about the crucifixion that made every witness either step toward it or away from it.
Which are you?

Next time I will share with you about Barabbas! Maybe you know of him...I knew very little, but it has changed my thinking! But I can tell you this, you won't think of the Cross nor a life preserver the same way after meeting him!!

and btw...I read all my comments and love to hear from you. Thank you for those of you who are praying for my family during this difficult time...you are loved!

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