Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Watch out...he's ready for kindergarten!!

I am a proud mother today of a very special 5 year old boy! This morning Ramiro graduated 3 years of pre-k and is now ready for Kindergarten!! That's a big YAHOO and a sigh a relief! Some days I wasn't too sure what to make of this crazy child of mine who clearly has his OWN ideas of most everything!!

His teachers and aides have worked very hard the past 3 years to help him get ready to be mainstreamed into a regular class next year!! We are so proud of him...and did you know he was the first in his class to count to 100?? I didn't know that until today.

Ms. Mallory was saying that she was excited to finally have received a hug and kiss from Ramiro (he has a very strong need for "no touching") just this past week!! It only took 3 years, but hey progress is progress!!

Man am I in love with this kid. All his funny faces, quirky ways and ideas! I love them all and I know God has wonderful things in store for him...I'm amazed that he's been given to me!

Congratulations silly goose!! It wasn't always easy...but you did it kiddo!! Your mother is incredibly proud of you!!

Here's his graduation last year from the same class (he didn't really graduate then but they gave the kids awards anyways!!). I explain more there about his class and what remarkable hurdles Ramiro has jumped over to be where he is! He amazes me!!

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