For these two...first day of school is no sweat. This is Dakota's 6th year (K-5th grade) at this school and Ramiro's 3rd year (pre-k3, pre-k4 x2 years). They were both glad to be back...Ramiro especially!! Dakota is on the Safety Patrol this year, his first day is actually tomorrow "on post". So we will need to do the picture thing all over again, yeah for me!!
Poor Andre, he's asked me a million times already today when "Miro and Kota" will be home. He sure does miss them. His day will be coming...hoping to get him started next week on a 3 day, morning program! Yahoo, I would be down to one kid then!! Sweetness for me!! Maybe I could actually DO something for a change!!
Do you want to know something weird??
I got the most unusual call today.
From CVS, of all places.
They called to tell me that my insurance had denied one of my prescriptions that I dropped of the other day, and therefore it would be $185 to fill it.
What?? They denied it??
That has never happened before.
The lady asked if I had ever had another pharmacy fill this specific med before. No. I've never needed this medication before. She gets this funny tone of voice, like she's not wanting anyone to hear, and says "Maam, your insurance has denied this med because your too old ".
I've never been told that before.
What is she talking about and WHO does she think she's talking to? I clarified that she was in fact talking to the right person and about the right medication.
Yep. Everything was right.
My insurance company will only cover this med if you are "younger than 26"!
Do you want to know what the drug was??
Yes, Retin-A for pimples!
At 32, I'm having horrible issues with my skin. The doctor thinks that this sometimes happens when you get your tubes tied...as well as normal hormone changes that happen after 30!! Nice.
And apparently, BC/BS only thinks women under the age of 26 should need help with this.
I can't tell you the feeling that came over me when I hung up the phone.
Too old huh? I have been denied a medication b/c I'm TOO OLD??
I'm sick. And suddenly feel weird in my own skin.
I'm not sure If I can digest this. I'll let you know tomorrow!!
1 comment:
Haha...that's hilarious! What a ridiculous rule! I can't believe they called you old! You are not even close to being old!!
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