Monday, August 25, 2008

Oh how sweet it is!!

3 down and 1 to go!! Today was Andre's first day at his new school...a.k.a. 3 day/morning only program! It's not much, but its something!! He's been anxiously awaiting his turn to be at "school" like his big brothers. He was a tad disappointed that he didn't need to take a lunch (he comes home at noon) and that he didn't need a backpack for papers. But as you see, he did take a bag with an extra change of clothes (just in case)...and yes, it is a black toile bag!! I do feel bad that I had to send my 3 year old son to school on his first day with a toile bag! I promise that I would make him a cool boy one...quickly!! But, I couldn't think of sending his clothes in a plastic grocery at the last moment this one had to do the job!! Madelyn and I came home, I plopped down on the floor of the play room and just laughed! Almost cried...but mostly laughed!! She looked at me like 'what is so funny, we're just sitting on the floor, mom might be loosing it here'. And then she gave me this huge grin as if she suddenly totally got it and let out this huge belly laugh!! I think I kissed her a little too much at that point, but she was irresistible!!

Its a sobering thought that if we wouldn't have had this HUGE surprise of a 4th child, I would be sitting on that floor by myself!! What I had thought was going to be my last baby is now at school!

So, as I put Madelyn to bed, I went into the kitchen to do something...couldn't figure out what to do, came to the office to work on a project...couldn't make up my mind which one to start. Thought I would sweep the floors...they weren't needing it (how did that happen??). Went to go check the mail (at 10 am??)...mail doesn't come til 3pm. Ugh...the stillness in this house is bothering me!! I need some noise in order to get anything done around here!! I'll be alright, I'll find some way to enjoy this...I'm still thinking about how funny Madelyn was when she joined in the hysterical laughter on the floor!! I'm wondering what she ended up deciding was really so funny...

Oh well...30 more minutes...maybe I should work on laundry...hopefully it's already clean!!

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