Just checking in again. I wish I had something to say that would be of interest. I don't really.
Wish I had pictures to post...I don't. Can't figure out how to use my docking station here.
You probably wouldn't be interested to hear that Dad is working on electrical things this morning, little by little lights are beginning to work. Or that I shoveled dirt the other day in 98 degree heat, little by little a yard is beginning to appear. Or that the guy finally came to measure for the railings for the front walkway/stairs, little by little we are getting ready for inspection.
I have no new running news. I've only ran outside once! It's too stinkin' hot!! For now, the elliptical machine is doing the job for me!!
Church was an odd experience yesterday. I only took 2 of the kids with me. They did fine.
I sat there confused and empty however. I had just accidentally introduced myself using my previous married name...then said "actually no, I'm just Jill". The guy looked at me with a strange look. I just turned and walked away...I think he was waiting for me to say something else. To make sense of the confusion I just created. But, there wasn't anything else to say. For I am confused myself. Trying to still make sense of things and for heaven sakes....just trying to get my name correct is such a task!!
I don't remember the last time I just sat in the pew on a Sunday morning. The last time I wasn't a part of the music in some form or fashion. I don't remember the last time that I was the new person, where absolutely no one knew my name...except for the "no I'm just Jill" guy that now thinks I'm an idiot!! I don't remember the last time I felt so isolated in a room of almost 600 people.
I suppose this transition will take some time. It will take some patience. And I feel sure it will take some tears.
Little by little I know my heart will settle down.
Little by little my Comforter will comfort.
Little by little my Healer will heal.
Little by little I am reminded that all I must do is "today"...
one little step at a time
one little moment without tears
one little laugh with the kids
Little by little...it feels so much better to see it like that!!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
...Hello Bama!!
Wow...I really can't believe I'm here! Can't believe I'm waking up with the roosters. Can't believe how beautiful the mountains are at sun set. Can't believe I'm thrilled to hear the mooing of cows again!
We made it here safely and other than my father's back going out (and barely able to walk), we did great!
I will not have to make another trip...thankfully on Sunday morning we found a pull behind trailer (which I pulled behind the Suburban...yikes!! that was a first) and managed to take most everything that I feared we would have to leave...including the dog!!
So...all is well here! We've unloaded everything and now we are in the process of continuing to work on the house so we can pass inspection and get moved in! Till then we are at my parents house!
My new email address is:
I will post more later...I just wanted to check in quickly...and hopefully I can get some pics posted on here! I'm using my parents computer which does not have DSL...patience at its best!!
Hope everyone is well and my sincerest thanks to everyone who helped us move!! Couldn't have done it without the help!!
We made it here safely and other than my father's back going out (and barely able to walk), we did great!
I will not have to make another trip...thankfully on Sunday morning we found a pull behind trailer (which I pulled behind the Suburban...yikes!! that was a first) and managed to take most everything that I feared we would have to leave...including the dog!!
So...all is well here! We've unloaded everything and now we are in the process of continuing to work on the house so we can pass inspection and get moved in! Till then we are at my parents house!
My new email address is:
I will post more later...I just wanted to check in quickly...and hopefully I can get some pics posted on here! I'm using my parents computer which does not have DSL...patience at its best!!
Hope everyone is well and my sincerest thanks to everyone who helped us move!! Couldn't have done it without the help!!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Goodbye Florida...
Soon my computer will be in a box, like everything else I own (minus the kids, ha)!
Soon I will have said every goodbye that can possibly be said.
Soon I will shut my front door here at 515 for the last time.
And soon I (with my parents, a 26 foot truck, 4 kids, 2 additional cars, & my 100 lb Weimer) will pull out of town with some wonderful memories of my time here...actually small update here: the 26 ft. trailer isn't enough...maybe we will have to make 2 trips!! ugh!!
A lot of life has been lived in KH these past 7 years. I've had incredibly fun times and have great stories to tell. And I've had some of my deepest pains here as well. I've cheered and screamed for my kids first ball games. And I've sobbed buckets of tears for the baby I lost. I've been honored to serve in my church in many different ways. And I've learned the tough lessons of giving too much and wearing yourself thin.
But, I've grown to love this town and the people in it. I love the fact that I can walk to almost any place of business, all the schools and parks are around the corner. I love the parades, love the lakes and love the closeness of the families. I'll miss my neighbors (Grace and Gary) like crazy and know their lives will be awfully quiet without my kids running around our 2 houses!
And though this has become home...there is still no place like "home"...and "home" for me has always been Alabama! I will miss the beach sand, but I love the smell of red clay. I've learned to enjoy the Gators (and can somewhat tollerate the orange/blue thing...though it is dangerously close to Auburns!!)...but I love me some Alabama football!!
As I leave, I know the emotions will be just as this post is.
Confusing. Bitter sweet. All over the place.
I hate to leave. But I'm glad to be going.
Thank You to all my friends here who have supported me, loved me and my children. Thank You for allowing me to fail but yet giving me encouragement to grow! Thank You for all the support this past year but yet giving me room to manage my emotions and allowing God to "realine" my thinking!! Thank you for all the good times but yet sticking with me through the recent trials!
As the days are now becoming hours that I have left here...my emotions are beginning to unravel. The tears that I have fairly successfully managed to keep under control are beginning to reach their breaking point!
I will end with this saying I've heard...(but can't tell you where)
"How lucky I AM to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard!!"
Blessing to you my precious friends!!
I love you all...Jill
ps...I will post soon once in Sweet Home Alabama!!
Soon I will have said every goodbye that can possibly be said.
Soon I will shut my front door here at 515 for the last time.
And soon I (with my parents, a 26 foot truck, 4 kids, 2 additional cars, & my 100 lb Weimer) will pull out of town with some wonderful memories of my time here...actually small update here: the 26 ft. trailer isn't enough...maybe we will have to make 2 trips!! ugh!!
A lot of life has been lived in KH these past 7 years. I've had incredibly fun times and have great stories to tell. And I've had some of my deepest pains here as well. I've cheered and screamed for my kids first ball games. And I've sobbed buckets of tears for the baby I lost. I've been honored to serve in my church in many different ways. And I've learned the tough lessons of giving too much and wearing yourself thin.
But, I've grown to love this town and the people in it. I love the fact that I can walk to almost any place of business, all the schools and parks are around the corner. I love the parades, love the lakes and love the closeness of the families. I'll miss my neighbors (Grace and Gary) like crazy and know their lives will be awfully quiet without my kids running around our 2 houses!
And though this has become home...there is still no place like "home"...and "home" for me has always been Alabama! I will miss the beach sand, but I love the smell of red clay. I've learned to enjoy the Gators (and can somewhat tollerate the orange/blue thing...though it is dangerously close to Auburns!!)...but I love me some Alabama football!!
As I leave, I know the emotions will be just as this post is.
Confusing. Bitter sweet. All over the place.
I hate to leave. But I'm glad to be going.
Thank You to all my friends here who have supported me, loved me and my children. Thank You for allowing me to fail but yet giving me encouragement to grow! Thank You for all the support this past year but yet giving me room to manage my emotions and allowing God to "realine" my thinking!! Thank you for all the good times but yet sticking with me through the recent trials!
As the days are now becoming hours that I have left here...my emotions are beginning to unravel. The tears that I have fairly successfully managed to keep under control are beginning to reach their breaking point!
I will end with this saying I've heard...(but can't tell you where)
"How lucky I AM to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard!!"
Blessing to you my precious friends!!
I love you all...Jill
ps...I will post soon once in Sweet Home Alabama!!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The other day we had some of Dakota's friends do a surprise "drop bye" goodbye thing. He was very surprised and they had a good time being silly!! And sweet McKenzie (Dakota has been friends with her since they were 4 yrs old!!) was the only girl!! As always, she handled 8 boys like it was nothing!!

silly boys...so sorry for McKenzie!!

Here's a cute picture of a dear friend of mine...Cathy! We went to a concert the other night and had a blast laughing all night!! I'm thinking we look a little pale here...maybe due to the fact that I had just eaten 2 helpings of OG salad, 4 breadsticks, a full dinner and a huge dessert!! Yummy! I will miss her (and her precious family) and certainly will miss our runs together!! love ya girlie!!

silly boys...so sorry for McKenzie!!

Here's a cute picture of a dear friend of mine...Cathy! We went to a concert the other night and had a blast laughing all night!! I'm thinking we look a little pale here...maybe due to the fact that I had just eaten 2 helpings of OG salad, 4 breadsticks, a full dinner and a huge dessert!! Yummy! I will miss her (and her precious family) and certainly will miss our runs together!! love ya girlie!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
This poor girl and her brothers!!

After 2 days in Orlando with Dakota and his 5th grade safety patrol trip, I'm back home now doing what I do best these days...packing and throwing out!!
And why a kiddie pool when you can just play in a yucky old rubbermaid? Never mind that its the water that they dunk their dirty feet into before getting into the kiddie pools...so it is FILTHY!!

I thought she was precious anyways!! And don't your toes just need kisses every now and again too? Apparently hers do. I suppose mine do too!
The innocence of children...not a worry in the world!! Besides who is making the biggest splash on Judge Mom's scale of 1-10!! Don't you just love summertime!!??
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Watch out...he's ready for kindergarten!!

I am a proud mother today of a very special 5 year old boy! This morning Ramiro graduated 3 years of pre-k and is now ready for Kindergarten!! That's a big YAHOO and a sigh a relief!
Some days I wasn't too sure what to make of this crazy child of mine who clearly has his OWN ideas of most everything!!

His teachers and aides have worked very hard the past 3 years to help him get ready to be mainstreamed into a regular class next year!! We are so proud of him...and did you know he was the first in his class to count to 100?? I didn't know that until today.

Ms. Mallory was saying that she was excited to finally have received a hug and kiss from Ramiro (he has a very strong need for "no touching") just this past week!! It only took 3 years, but hey progress is progress!!
Man am I in love with this kid. All his funny faces, quirky ways and ideas! I love them all and I know God has wonderful things in store for him...I'm amazed that he's been given to me!

Congratulations silly goose!! It wasn't always easy...but you did it kiddo!! Your mother is incredibly proud of you!!
Here's his graduation last year from the same class (he didn't really graduate then but they gave the kids awards anyways!!). I explain more there about his class and what remarkable hurdles Ramiro has jumped over to be where he is! He amazes me!!
Here's his graduation last year from the same class (he didn't really graduate then but they gave the kids awards anyways!!). I explain more there about his class and what remarkable hurdles Ramiro has jumped over to be where he is! He amazes me!!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Little Drummer Boy part 2
Remember this night?
Yes, the night of Dakota's first band concert...the one that didn't go as planned. The night that I truly thought I was coming to the end of my rope...and it was displayed in front of a hundred or so parents who were only wanting to take pictures of their child's concert.
Well, thankfully now that night is only a memory.

Today Dakota had his last band concert of his 5th grade year. It had been rescheduled 2 times due to rain (it was an outside concert) and therefore got put off until this morning! I decided to brave the event one more time with the kids and see if I could manage to bring both little ones (we met Ramiro there). It went well! Very well actually!
btw...Roll Tide Baby!! That's my boy!!
And you do know that it is very cool to continue wearing your Safety Patrol belt throughout the day right? Of course it is...but only if you let the shoulder strap hang from your waist!! Then, and only then are you all over the word "cool"!!
Dakota did great and seemed to have a good time.
Want pictures?
I thought you would, so I took a few!
And look how angelic the 3 little ones are being? I mean, who would have ever thought that they could sit together...side by side on a blanket and not fight, punch, kick and slap their sibling? I was amazed and delighted!!
oh, and Roll Tide here too...gosh, are we noticing a trend here?? We are ready for some Alabama football!! WHOOT WHOOT!!

Dakota...you are so talented, gifted and blessed! And it is my privilege to be your mother! You are going to be a great musician, a great athlete and a wonderful man!
I absolutely adore you!
And your sweet spirit moves the deepest part of me!
You did an awesome job today and Ramiro, Andre, Madelyn and I were thrilled to watch you...and are proud to be your family!!
I love you buddy!!
Did you see your standing ovation this time??
Yes, the night of Dakota's first band concert...the one that didn't go as planned. The night that I truly thought I was coming to the end of my rope...and it was displayed in front of a hundred or so parents who were only wanting to take pictures of their child's concert.
Well, thankfully now that night is only a memory.

Today Dakota had his last band concert of his 5th grade year. It had been rescheduled 2 times due to rain (it was an outside concert) and therefore got put off until this morning! I decided to brave the event one more time with the kids and see if I could manage to bring both little ones (we met Ramiro there). It went well! Very well actually!
btw...Roll Tide Baby!! That's my boy!!
And you do know that it is very cool to continue wearing your Safety Patrol belt throughout the day right? Of course it is...but only if you let the shoulder strap hang from your waist!! Then, and only then are you all over the word "cool"!!
Dakota did great and seemed to have a good time.
Want pictures?

I thought you would, so I took a few!
And look how angelic the 3 little ones are being? I mean, who would have ever thought that they could sit together...side by side on a blanket and not fight, punch, kick and slap their sibling? I was amazed and delighted!!
oh, and Roll Tide here too...gosh, are we noticing a trend here?? We are ready for some Alabama football!! WHOOT WHOOT!!

I absolutely adore you!
And your sweet spirit moves the deepest part of me!
You did an awesome job today and Ramiro, Andre, Madelyn and I were thrilled to watch you...and are proud to be your family!!
I love you buddy!!
Did you see your standing ovation this time??
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